Thursday, November 10, 2011

Argument Template #2o

Essentialism by Bell Hooks
The general argument that Hooks makes in his work is that experience is needed to be well educated.  More specifically, he talks about how a privileged standpoint is a great advantage in education.  This is because not only is the person learning about the situation in books or on the Internet, but they've experienced that situation themselves.  
Oxfords English Dictionary defines essentialism as : Educ. A theory advocating the teaching, on traditional lines and to everyone, of certain ideas and methods supposed to be essential to the prevalent culture 
I agree with Bell Hook's theory of essentialism.  For example, like she says, I would much rather be taught African American history by an African American who's been through it, rather than from just a Caucasian professor who's only learned what he knows by books.

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